The human body is a complex ecosystem constantly interacting with the environment. Among the myriad external factors influencing our health, mold and parasites stand out as particularly insidious invaders. Though often overlooked, these organisms can cause significant health problems. Read more
It's All About You!
This blog is my endeavor to provide health and wellness education for my clients and announce new happenings at New Bern Migraine Solutions. May you, the reader, benefit from reading!

02 September 2023
Education, Health & Wellness, HeartMath, Self Improvement
What’s HeartMath?!
HeartMath is a system of techniques and biofeedback technologies developed by the Institute of HeartMath, a non-profit research and education organization founded in 1991 by Doc Childre. The organization is focused on understanding the physiological and psychological connections between Read more

31 March 2023
CranioSacral Therapy, Education, Health & Wellness
What the sphenoid!?!
Before I started learning about craniosacral therapy, I didn’t have a clue as to the bones that made up our skull. I thought, like many others, that once we became adults, our skulls fused solid and that was that!